Monday, February 14, 2011

UCSB’s Recreation Center: A ‘Showcase’ for Sustainability

For a facility built when sustainability in construction was more of an afterthought, UC Santa Barbara’s Recreation Center has come a long way. It's a three-building complex that serves the recreational needs of UCSB’s students, staff, and faculty that we've just designated a Zero Net Energy "Demonstration Showcase."

We will study the Recreation Center and give ideas on how to increase energy efficiencies. UCSB will then implement the recommendations, with help from our incentive and rebate programs. The overall goal of the campus is to eventually turn the Recreation Center (or Rec Cen as it’s called on campus) into a ZNE facility, which will produce as much energy as it uses.

Bill McTague, executive director of Resource Planning, Information Technology, and Sustainability for the campus’s Division of Student Affairs, says this collaboration is “a fantastic opportunity for UCSB to benefit from SCE’s expertise and guidance and for SCE to be able to showcase energy solutions and monitor their effectiveness over time.”

Learn more

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